#PayUp – The Social Movement within The Apparel Industry

Whoever said social media is only filled with toxic posts?! I’m finding a lot of growing intelligence among content creators – using it to spread news, generate awareness and to create change. Let’s start this off by saying…Covid-19 – who has it not truly affected?! The world’s population got further divided during this time because…

Event Review: Fashion Revolution – Intro To Sustainability & Ethics in Fashion

I attended an event last night organized by Fashion Revolution YYC Chapter (https://www.fashionrevolution.org/) and it spoke to what it means to be ethical and sustainable in our panelists’ eyes. Straight from their website description on the panelists’ bio: Madelaine Purves-Smith (Custom Woolen Mills): Custom Woolen Mills is a small, family-owned and operated woolen mill located…

The Dollar Flip Flop

It’s one thing to see that the cost of flip flops could actually be that cheap and another to understand what is their profit? The sale of the $1 flip flop could all be a tactic of driving customers in to increase store traffic – that way, customers may peruse other potential items to buy.…

RiverBlue Documentary, Chemical Dyes & Ethical Fashion

RiverBlue. An eye opening documentary that places awareness on how our jeans create a much larger environmental and health issue than we know.  Did you know that the darker the dye, the longer it takes to decompose, darkens waters leaving plants (including our crop) to be short on sun and oxygen? (via: Popular Science) In…

WEAR (World Ethical Apparel Roundtable) 2016 Recap

Last week a non-profit group, Fashion Take Action, organized a conference to gather different audiences from industry leaders to independent designers to master students. Three themes were set out: Textile Waste, Innovation and Supply Chain (transparency). The conference kicked off with Safia Minney, Author and founder of People Tree UK & Japan) and was present in…

Documentary: The True Cost #whomademyclothes #mythoughts

The documentary by Director Andrew Morgan called The True Cost depicts a problem that extends itself into corporations, their supply chain, factory workers (in 3rd world countries) and us (the consumers). It’s all about clothes, clothes and more clothes. Who makes them? What is the story behind them and what is the price we are…

A Hint of Ethical Change in Our Everyday Magazines

As an avid magazine reader (from Women’s Health to the occasional Cosmopolitan), I have noticed how much more educational it has become; although it still has the regular aspects of brand names, fashion advice, products, perfect looking models and everything else that can make an individual feel insufficient. You can use these magazines as a…